The world we live in today is extremely volatile, from carjackings to home invasions, data theft, identity theft, gang initiations, food shortages, fuel shortages, lockdowns, riots, the list is a mile long. Depending on demographics these scenarios can be more of an in your face issue and a glaring imminent threat to you and your family’s safety and wellbeing. People are becoming more bold than they ever have in their madness and selfishness. So you may be asking yourself “i’ve never considered these things before” or you may have had an encounter already. The fact is people who have never even considered a firearm or way to defend themselves are looking into this line of logic.
Sure you may be fortunate enough to never draw your EDC (every day carry) but what happens if you have to? Even worse, what if you have nothing to draw or no hand to hand skills to fall back on? Do you want to be a victim? Or worse, watch terrible things happen to your family? Most reasonable people will say no. If you want to know more follow us down the rabbit hole and into wonderland.